Friday, December 14, 2018

The 16 Mindsets That can Make You RICH!

Dec. 14, 2018


It is very good topic to study called 16 mindsets that can make your rich! Here is the link. The talk is based on the book called the secrets of millionaire minds, mastering the inner game of wealth by T. Harv Eker.

16 mindsets

1. Verbal -
Money is the root of all evil!
Rich people are so greedy!
They become part of our subconscious

2. Modeling
$20,000 dollars vs on the stock market

3. Experience

#1 Creating a Life vs. Life happens to ME
Wealth? I play the lotto every week. I might win it.

How to spot a poor mentality

- Blame - I am not rich because I have kids!
- Justify - This doesn't work! Money is not important
- Complaint

#2 The Rich play to win, the poor play not to lose

#3 The poor wish to be rich. The rich are commited
Do you want to be rich? Mixed emotions - Moral, legal,

#4 The rich think big. The poor think small
Law of income
= value to the market

About to teach a class - 15 300  - Fit class - deliver to millions people

#5 The rich focus on opportunities. The poor on obstacles

half empty/ half full? Poor decisions Rich decisions

#6 The rich admire other rich and successful.
The poor resent the rich and successful.

How can you be something you despise?
Only affects him
Question: Have you resent some one rich? Why?

#7 The rich associate with positive and successful people, the poor associate with negative and unsuccessful people

Energy is contagious

#8    The rich are bigger than their problems
They try to avoid the problems

#9    Rich people are willing to promote themselves

#10  The rich are excellent receivers

Are poor receivers
Are completely comfortable receiving

#11 The rich people get paid based on results

Paid by hour - 24 hours a day -> you create limit on your income.

#12 Rich people Think both, poor people think either or 

abundance <---> Scarcity
There is only so much to go around. There's no enough,

#13 Net worth vs Income 

- income
- working income, passive income

Making money is one thing keeping money is another

#14 Rich people manage their money well
8:15/12:00 - 9:41/12:00

No matter how much money you have
if you know how to manage it
You will be ready when the opportunity to manage incomes.

#15 The rich put their money to work

This is done with passive income - passive income
- money working for you 
- business
Work for you 
rental property

#16 Rich people constantly learn and grow 

Everything I say is right. 

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