Tuesday, July 28, 2015

CSS, JavaScript, Jquery learning

July 27, 2015

Basic training code for CSS, html, Jquery, Javascript from books, public internet, and other people's blog. Training basics, know concepts.  

Learning a new language takes time, know syntax, memorize CSS selectors, and then, read "Head first CSS" and understand basic box model, rules, cascading rules, specificity in CSS etc.; she should have stayed more organized.

She tries to learn more about CSS, html, Java Script, practice more code. 

My favorite thing to do is to challenge myself, try to memorize something over 10 times and see if it will help me learn a new language, improve programming performance. 

Java Script cheat sheet from book Pocket Guide To JavaScript is my favorite one to read, and practice to memorize. 
Here is another one: 

SQL Server DBA, database design, and development

July 28, 2015

SQL server DBA most popular guidelines for self-learner:

1.       Database may be set up simple transaction log, so the database can be fixed size; never worry about disk space;

2.      Back up database every day; no pressure to work on live database update; certainly, reduce risk to manual update record one by one instead of update statement. 

Also, the website to find the SQL performance script to do daily monitor using database mail setup, so database disk space, backup log, auto growth log, and all other activity can be helpful for every morning.

Here is her favorite site to get the SQL script:

Never too later to share her thoughts and great ideas with outside world, also her first blog about SQL server DBA experience.

Leetcode Question No 70: climbing stairs

July 28, 2015

Problem statement:
You are climbing a stair case. It takes n steps to reach to the top. Each time you can either climb 1 or 2 steps. In how many distinct ways can you climb to the top?

The problem is most popular question in the algorithm, so I do like to spend time to find out all sorts of solution, and get myself comfortable to all kinds of ideas, and figure out which one is best, and all concerns we can have in the discussion of climbing stairs:

1. Recursion solution vs. DP problem solution (Dynamic Programming solution)
2. Time complexity solution: O(2^n) vs O(n) solution
3. The space O(N) vs O(1), in other words: array of N or 2 variable, and another tmp variable
4. The base case discussion: f(0) = 1 or f(0) =1, math question?
5. Math formula - closed form solution vs DP problem solution
6. Use Memoization DP vs. no memoization DP
7. Programming skills, how to make code easy to follow, more readable, more abstract. 

The investment of time on the problem is well done. Go over 16 implementation one by one using C# programming language. 

C# code:

其实, 我觉得题目越容易, 越值得投入时间去学习; 看看大家有没有不同的理解, 打开思路; 如果自己没有训练过这道题, 可能会紧张; 即使训练过, 但是, 有的想法, 可能自己从来没有思考过, 一时还不能判断好坏, 但是, 多看网上的博客, 向每一个人取取经. 谦虚, 才能有提高.

我编网站后台, C#程序自己写; 自己训练的题目太少; 这次选择用Leetcode来提高C#编程, 又可以提高算法和数据结构的知识, 网站后台靠平时训练.  

January 3, 2016
Review the leetcode question 70, climbing stairs. 
Read the blog:





Sunday, July 26, 2015

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Leetcode 238: Product of Array except itself

July 24, 2015


I like to share the article talking about Google interview written in Chinese. The article is called "死理性派教你做谷歌面试题", the link is here

The experience of working on Leetcode is so challenging. I fully understand the solution but after a few days, I have no clue how it works. But there are so many good articles to read. 

Leetcode 238 in Chinese


第一题,给你一个长度为 N 的链表。N 很大,但你不知道 N 有多大。你的任务是从这 N 个元素中随机取出 k 个元素。你只能遍历这个链表一次,且必须保证取出的元素是完全随机的(出现概率均等)。
第二题,给你一个数组 A [ 1 .. n ] ,请你在 O ( n ) 的时间里构造一个新的数组 B [ 1 .. n ] ,使得 B [ i ] = A [ 1 ] * A [ 2 ] * ... * A [ n ]/A [ i ] 。你不能使用除法运算。
第一题的意思就是有一大串物品,它们能且仅能逐个经过你眼前一次。你不知道它们的个数,要求你从中随机地抽取 k 个物品,同时必须保证取出的元素是完全随机的(出现概率均等)。
第二题给出了一个数列 A [ 1 .. n ] ,要求在较短的时间内不用除法构造一个新数列 B [ 1 .. n ] ,使得 B [i] = A [ 1 ] * A [ 2 ] * ... * A [ n ]/A [ i ] 。 n是这个数组的长度。而 O ( n ) 是评判计算方法速度的标准。如果一个解答方法在n任意变化的情况下,都能满足总共的计算次数相当于是 n 乘以一个常数C这个条件,那么就称这个解答方法是 O ( n ) 的;如果这个解答方法能满足总共的计算次数是 n 2 乘以常数C,那么这个解答方法就被称作是 O ( n 2 ) 的。
第一题没有告诉我们物品的个数N,所以我们没法算出 k/N,连最基本的每样物品被选中的概率都不知道,还怎么继续操作呢?既然我们不知道一共有多少个物品,那我们就应该在所有的物品都经过我们眼前之后再做抉择。当每个物品经过我们眼前的时候,可以设法对应地给它生成一个 0 到 1 之间的随机数。等到我们见过了所有的物品之后,只需要选择对应的随机数最大的前 k 个物品就行了。
第二题不允许用除法增加了不少难度。 B [ i ] 不用除法来表示的话就是: B [ i ] = A [ 1 ] * ... * A [ i - 1 ] * A [ i + 1 ] * ... * A [ n ] 。若按照这个表达式进行计算,生成每个 B[ i ] 的时候要进行n - 1次乘法,这样一来完全生成 B [ 1 .. n ] 就需要 O ( n 2 ) 的时间了。我们需要通过减少重复的运算来提高效率。
注意到 B [ i ] 可以看作是两个部分的乘积, A [ 1 ] * ... * A [ i - 1 ] 和 A [ i + 1 ] * ... * A [ n ] 。同理 B [ i + 1 ] 就由 A [ 1 ] * ... * A [ i - 1 ] * A [ i ] 和 A [ i + 2 ] * ... * A [ n ] 组成。计算 B [ i ] 时的许多乘法在计算 B [ i + 1 ] 的时候又进行了一遍,因此可以重复利用上一次运算的结果,以避免无谓的运算。从这点出发,我们构造两个新的数列:
S [ i ] = A [ 1 ] * ... * A [ i – 1 ]
T [ i ] = A [ i + 1 ] * ... * A [ n ]
因为生成完整的 S [ 1 .. n ] 和 T [ 1 .. n ] 都能在 O ( n ) 的时间内完成,那么根据 B [ i ] = S [ i ] * T [ i ] 这条式子,生成整个 B [ 1 .. n ] 便也能够在 O ( n ) 的时间内完成了。
不得不说,谷歌是个很爱玩的公司。它曾在MIT校园内到处张贴着一份密码,据说,这份密码包含了一个Google Jobs的电话号码,解开密码的人可以通过此电话留下自己的个人信息,进入谷歌工作。各位读者,你能解开这个密码吗?如果有漂亮的解答,我会在这里贴出来。

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Leetcode 102: Binary tree level order traversal

July 23, 2015
Problem statement:
Given a binary tree, return the level order traversal of its nodes' values. (ie, from left to right, level by level).
For example:
Given binary tree {3,9,20,#,#,15,7},
   / \
  9  20
    /  \
   15   7
return its level order traversal as:
confused what "{1,#,2,3}" means? > read more on how binary tree is serialized on OJ.
写代码发现很多问题. 程序要多写, 多练. 背算法可能也是一个途径. 从C++代码, 转化成C#, 犯了几个错. 一下学习到很多C#知识, 感觉不错! 练习6种方法. 
1. Solution 1: (push extra null node in the queue to divide level)
Read the blog:
convert it to C# code:
C# code passing leetcode online judge:
Solution 2: (using 3 variables to help queue to do BFS algorithm)
C# code:
Solution 3: DFS algorithm:
C# code:

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Leetcode 37: Sudoku Solver

July 19, 2015

Problem statement:
Write a program to solve a Sudoku puzzle by filling the empty cells.
Empty cells are indicated by the character '.'.
You may assume that there will be only one unique solution.

Solution 1: 

Great blog to read:


And then, start to implement the solution using C# code:


Solution 2: 

Read the blog,

and then, implement the solution using c# code:


Solution 3: (good workout on C# KeyValuePair class)

and then, convert C++ code to C# code from the blog:

Excellent code in C++, using class for node on the board. Learn a few things, fun to play with the code

C# code:

solution 4:
source code from the blog:

Solution 5:
read the blog: (Good coding! practice more based on this blog)

and convert the C++ code to C# code, (great workout on C# LinkedList for blank nodes)


Solution 6:
read the blog:

and convert Java code to C# code, great workout on C# and logic checking "return false"


Solution 7:
C# code:

Solution 8:
Thanks for the blog's highlight line of code on back tracking; finally, I got it! My logic thinking has flaws on back tracking; extra backtracking is not a good. Minimize the back tracking, only do it when "return false". It makes sense to do that.

C# code:

Solution 10:
blog: (Excellent implementation! no extra line or number in the code! Best for memorization! Go through other solutions later. )

C# code:

算法理解了, 代码可以记住了; 开始看不同的题解, 看看高手的代码; 从不同的题解中, 模仿模仿! 像打网球, 多接触不同的打法, 开阔眼界; 接着看这道题的题解. 试着从不同角度看一个问题, 多练习改代码; 看自己能不能有自己的看法, 去尝试一点更改, 玩一点花样; 增加练习C#编程的机会.

Also, the code written has been work on readability, learned through my favorite book reading:

Those favorite rules I like to learn, pick up and follow:
Big fan of DRY (Do not repeat yourself) principle, do one thing a time, break giant expression, using explaining variable or summary variable, and abstract the thing to a function, extract a subproblem to a function. The code is also modified to fit into short memory, less mental baggage to read through. 

Read solutions:



BFS, using queue - try to convert it to C#

Leetcode: maximal rectangle

July 19, 2015

Given a 2D binary matrix filled with 0's and 1's, find the largest rectangle containing all ones and return its area.



Fully understand the problem and solution, and then, spend some time to convert java code to C# code; and then, play with code, and see if I can improve the code.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

leetcode: longest substring without repeating characters

July 16, 2015 

Problem statement: 

Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

Read the blog:

这算法写了很多次, 时间太长, 半年前, 有一次写了二个小时, 写不下去, 想法不好, 没有办法收场; 接着, 又写了四天, 每天二小时, 把上次代码拿出来看, 有什么问题, 改写.  过后想, 这样学习, 时间是浪费的, 打的是疲劳站; 工作中没有这么复杂的问题, 解决问题, 一定要评估复杂程度.

改变学习方式, 看以上的网页, 看Java的代码, 改写C#; 然后, 增加一些测试的内容, 帮助自己记忆算法的主要思想, 然后, 再改写; 用最简化的测试案例手工检测代码. 二三个小时搞定, 比半年前写的C#简单很多.

关键是用别人的想法, 又加快改写代码的速度, 改写后的代码更方便自己记忆. 这算法用移动窗口, 所以, 在代码中定义窗口起点, 长度, 什么时候决定更新窗口起点; 用一个数组(256字符)记录每个字符上次所在的位置, 然后, 对当前点, 窗口最右点, 判断是在窗口中出现没有; 间接判断, 看上次的位置在滑动窗口外还是里面.

学习别人的代码, 又练习自己改写代码, 写测试的内容, 多练习总是有新的体会.

Julia发现改写代码, 从其他语言到C#, 让她有机会快速练习写代码, 学习C#语言; 同时, 体会和其他语言的不同, 开阔眼界; 读的再多, 想法很好, 不会写代码实现, 或超过时间范围, 或写起来头痛, 太多错误, 都通过Leetcode训练, 有所提高. 

Share C# code:

First blog about the same problem:


"撑死胆大的,饿死胆小的. ", 虽然是个歇后语, 但是, 这道题目, 如果只考虑抽象思维, Hashset, 不具体讨论256字符等具体内容, 确实可以10 - 15分钟写出代码. 这是Julia练习的代码, 在第一次训练几个月之后. 


leetcode Question No 132: palindrome 2

July 16, 2015
Problem statement:
Given a string s, partition s such that every substring of the partition is a palindrome.
Return the minimum cuts needed for a palindrome partitioning of s.
For example, given s = "aab",
Return 1 since the palindrome partitioning ["aa","b"] could be produced using 1 cut.
Read the blogs:
Share C# code:

January 2, 2016
Review the source code, and try to figure out the algorithm.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Leetcode: study time

July 14, 2015

  做Leetcode题目需要选择自己熟悉的编程语言; 正好, 想提高C#的编程, 看C++的代码, 改写C#; 从Java 代码改写成C#. 现在, 题目还有很多没有看过, 想法都没有, 还会紧张. 所以, 尝试看一个人的博客, 选十几个没有做过的问题, 在几个小时内读一遍.




Leetcode: study time

July 13, 2015
Choose to read blogs with code using Java programming language. 很多题是第一次接触.

The majority vote ( more than n/3 element in an array, go through the array once or twice, get the number)
The maximum rectangle problem:
The longest increasing subsequence:
Microsoft interview question:
Review strstr leetcode question: (KMP, Boyer-Moore, Rabin-Karp algorithm)
DP problem: leetcode question

Thursday, July 9, 2015

ITInt5: Excel columns to integer

July 8, 2015
Problem statement:
链接: http://www.itint5.com/oj/#23
Excel中的行列数用A~Z 26个字母表示,A, B, C, D, …, Z, AA, AB, …, AZ, BA, BB, …
分别表示10进制数1, 2, 3, 4, …, 26, 27, 28, …, 52, 53, 54…。
Share C# code for the practice:

ITInt5: Arithmetic Expression Evaluation

July 9, 2015

Read blogs:




Monday, July 6, 2015

Leetcode Question No. 53: Maximum subarray sum

July 6, 2015

problem statement:

Find the contiguous subarray within an array (containing at least one number) which has the largest sum.
For example, given the array [−2,1,−3,4,−1,2,1,−5,4],
the contiguous subarray [4,−1,2,1] has the largest sum = 6.

Study the code:

1. Keyword lookup: 

DP problem: Kadane's algorithm, maximum subarray sum

2. Write a program to find the sum of contiguous subarray within a one-dimensional array of numbers which has the largest sum.

ITInt5: maximum boxes

July 6, 2015
Problem statement:
Link: http://www.itint5.com/oj/#34
n块积木,每块积木有体积vol和重量weight两个属性,用二元组(vol, weight)表示。
[(65, 100), (70, 150), (56, 90), (75, 190), (60, 95), (68, 110), (80, 12)]
(56, 90), (60, 95), (65, 100), (68, 110), (70, 150), (75, 190)
Solution: 先按照vol进行排序,题目就变成了根据weight寻找最长严格递增子序列。
Share C# practice:

ITINT5: tree maximum path sum (I)

July 6, 2015
Problem statement:
链接: http://www.itint5.com/oj/#13
/ | \
           2 3 4
  / \
5 -1
Solution: LeetCodeBinary Tree Maximum Path Sum的扩展,这里是树,而非二叉树。
Share C# code:

February 3, 2016

work on Leetcode question 124: Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum