Problem statement:
Given an array of non-negative integers, you are initially positioned at the first index of the array.
Each element in the array represents your maximum jump length at that position.
Your goal is to reach the last index in the minimum number of jumps.
For example:
Given array A =
Given array A =
The minimum number of jumps to reach the last index is
. (Jump 1
step from index 0 to 1, then 3
steps to the last index.)Spent some time to go over the blogs, and found this one with good illustration. So, write some c# code and then get first hand experience. 目标是会写代码, 不一定是最优. 加强C#练习. 把C++, Java的代码改为C#. 从最笨的方法开始.
Go through the code practice using C#: