Thursday, December 17, 2015

Book Reading: 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know (III)

Dec. 17, 2015

 Today Julia reviewed the topic of "Continuous Learning", written by Clint Shank.

 Here is the chapter web link:

Continuous learning is such a great topic, and Julia likes to write down some notes:

1. Write some code. 
2. Get to know the frameworks and libraries you use. (Julia's comment: learn more about framework)
3.  A really good way to learn something is to teach or speak about it.
4. Learn a new programming language every year. 

Julia's ideas:

1. Continuous learning should also be creative. Should involve some code writing, algorithm problem solving, and good documentation - blogs, and good spirit - sharing through the blogs etc. 

2. The learning should also be full of challenges. Go back to school is great, but learn to love what you do, learn by yourself, prepare your own curriculum - data structure, foundation core, design principles/coding standards, top conferences, outstanding lecturers top of world - interested area. Keep yourself motivated, determined. You can work on it over 16 hours a day if you love to be a programmer/research/IT worker. Cherish time and limited resource, and find top-quality material to work on. 

For example, Julia found out that CppConf is a great conference with great talks. She just found out that in Nov. 2015, and started her own study on C++ again, and then, she was amazed to find out that those materials she works on are best of quality and surprisingly rewarding, and she also knew a lot of top engineers and top scholars through videos, and she learns great things about design etc.  

Julia subscribed code school and to study a lot of quality courses to catch up technologies starting Dec. 2015. 

3. Learn to master programming languages, but also, go for beyond basics, such as, OO principles - S.O.L.I.D., C++ coding standards, when you apply those principles, code standards, save time to develop/ debug / maintain the software. 

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