Sunday, January 10, 2016

Leetcode algorithm 160 -170 study

January 10, 2016

Write a lot of code. It is the only way to improve and become a better programmer.

Julia likes to read blogs related to Leetcode algorithm problems, and then she learns how to solve problems.

In other words, 做程序员, 需要多看别人的代码. 向同行学习.

Leetcode questions 161 - 170

August 22, 2015

161 One Edit distance

162 Find Peak Element

need to write first C# implementation for this problem.

163 Missing Ranges

Julia, please practice this C++ code, and get some idea how advanced C++ works. (January 10, 2016)

165 Compare Version Numbers

166 Fraction to Recurring Decimal

167 Two Sum II - Input array is sorted

168 Excel Sheet Column Title

169 Majority Element

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