Tuesday, April 19, 2016

video: How to Keep Calm at Crunch Time - Ask Ian #31

April 19, 2016

To write code for a competition/ assessment is to like to play a sports match. Julia still has to work on mental toughness, and improve her probability to pass any code assessment. How to keep calm in crucial moment?

Spend a lot of hours to work on techniques, practice; but in the crucial moment, allow the pressure take control, and cannot execute as normal.

How to do your best?  practice, continue to improve and be in present. It takes a lot of discipline. A lot of experience under the situation. Be in present, problem solving.

Take notes from the talk in the video:

Key #1:
1. Be present. Do not think about past, do not think about future;

Do not allow yourself travel time line; What if you lose, do not take it too seriously; do not focus on the future outcome. Second guess themselves, it is not good.

Focus on present, problem needs to be solved.

2. Learn to embrace your nerves and anxieties. Everybody gets nervous, does not matter how good you are, how long you play. Every one has anxiety, every one has fears over winning or losing. It is natural response if you are put in the competition.

As a matter of fact, it is a great thing to feel nervous and anxiety. This shows that you care about outcome. Use it to sharpen your focus, sharpen your perform.

Do not put yourself in a downward spiral.

video link:


Amazon hiring bar: better coding than 50% existing employees. Code assessment is just a basic skills indicator. Learn from the experience.


Always memorize a bible verse to calm down:

How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand.

Psalm139: 17 -18 NIV

June 14, 2016
Study 2 hours on the blog:

Study the article - July 4, 2016


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