Sunday, October 30, 2016

HackerRank - WarmartLabs Codesprint (Algorithms) - Interesting Fibonacci Sum (II)

Oct. 30, 2016

Work on segment tree idea to solve timeout issue. After the contest, Julia has more time to relax, and try different ideas to solve this hard algorithm on HackerRank.

Previous blog

Will come back to write C# code to try segment tree idea.

Read editorial notes.

Ashar Faudi - study a player - Topcoder SRM problem writer
Need to spend time to figure out this linear recurrence for programming contest .

Study C# submissions:

1. C# submission

2. C# submission

Think about the strategies of HackerRank contests - should work on medium algorithm instead of hard one. Math part is not easy to figure out in less than 24 hours.

Spent 2+ hours to go over the submissions on this hard algorithm, get the data - who are those talents? What they are sharing? A special group with strong math or research abilities?

1. Competitive programmer talking about achievements.

2. People good at math - problem solving on the algorithm - a few of them are competitive programmers.

3. programming contest

4. Math Ph.D. graduate (better programmer compared to Julia)

5. Figure out something new in computer science master graduate study:

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