Thursday, November 24, 2016

Stack Exchange: Code Review - Julia's new school

Nov. 24, 2016

Julia started her first day to look into stack exchange: code review, and then, she joined one of discussion - quicksort, she was amazed how she learned quickly in the place.

Her first reading starts from here:

Learn from expert on code review:

Julia also wrote a blog about quick sort in 2016:

Julia's favorite reading:

Study stackoverflow profile:

Actionable Items:

Read more live discussion on stackoverflow code review sections, at least find 5 top talents in C++, and find 10 advises from them in a week.

1. First one: Loki astari

Study stackoverflow profile:

Julia's favorite learning on Nov. 25, 2016:

-- start learning:


Compilers Job

Don't do work the compiler can do for you:
int arr[8] = {110, 5, 10,3 ,22, 100, 1, 23};
The compiler is better than you at it anyway and it will prevent errors. Here you have said the number of elements is 8. As a human I can't see that at a glance I could count them to verify but as a human I am lazy and going to assume you got it correct. If you did not get it correct then we will have problems.
So let the compiler work it out.
int arr[] = {110, 5, 10,3 ,22, 100, 1, 23};
Now if the array changes size you only have to change one thing (the data). Rather than two things (data and size).
 -- end of learning  --

Coding Style - Great advice on coding/ design, a hackerRank question:

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