Monday, January 2, 2017

Matrix Rotation Study

January 2, 2017

Julia learns the hard way. This past 2016, Julia worked on matrix rotation practice (No.1) again in April, 2016, she failed to deliver the ideal result in one hour setting. And then, she came back to work on matrix rotation so many times. Hackonacci Matrix rotation - algorithm on HackerRank week code 27, Julia spent more than 4 hours to review all submissions, she did learn the hard way - in the contest she spent more than 3 hours to write code, but scored less than 10% in Dec. 2016.

Now, she came cross this study about using transpose and flip code again, now she was smart and mature enough to take it and be the master of matrix rotation time saver.


Use transpose and flip operations

Another code of transpose and flip with a flag to separate clockwise from anti-clockwise.

Julia's C# practice.

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