Monday, April 24, 2017

Hackerrank leaderboard study

April 24, 2017


After over 10 times mocking practice in April 2017, Julia finally felt much better to understand the algorithm problem solving and what she should do in her best interest. She understood that her mocking experience is related to the performance on her contest experience on Hackerrank. Right now she is still struggling to solve medium, hard and advanced algorithms on Hackerrank, performance of hard algorithm is from 15% to 30% of those algorithm.

To set a goal to get her first golden medal on Hackerrank contest, Julia likes to make a plan what she can do to help herself.

One idea is to review Hackerrank algorithm leaderboard. Julia did find something to study and then she read that people solve over 3000 algorithm problems and then usually can get good performance.

Leaderboard study - algorithm

Study the leaderboard. Link is here.
Bohdan hackerrank profile is here.

Plan to spend one hour a time to read quora - Bohdan Pryshchenko.

Is competitive programming helpful? Quora question is here.

Julia thought about this question. She made new friends through hackerrank contests, and also she got a few people to ask to connect through linkedin since they read my blog this month. And also Julia had good time to get help from code review for those hackerrank algorithms. Most of important is that Julia started to review code she wrote before, and then she quickly comes out new ideas to improve.

Thinking techniques

From reading "Is competitive programming helpful?", a Quora question, Julia had chance to read another player's answer from the SFU computer science Ph.D., Mstafa Saad, and she read the article talking about thinking techniques.

Training style - discipline monitoring

SFU computer science Ph.D., Matafa Saad - article is here.

Actionable Items

Study shanghai business -

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