Thursday, July 13, 2017

Can I be a data scientist?

July 13, 2017


It is a good research topic for Julia to work on. Can I be a data scientist? Julia works on the small manufacture company over seven years, and she works on the sales, accounting analysis and then she felt so much confident to play with the data. She likes to look into the area she should work on in order to be a data scientist.

Should I learn a new language used by data scientist? Can I create a big impact if I know data science very well. What courses should Julia look into?

Julia worked on a lot of algorithm on hackerrank contests, she had difficult time to work on those advanced algorithm, huge data, she did not have time to play with those data set. She tried to stay on basics, and work on the advanced algorithm or data structure, focus on mathematics instead.

Her experience of over 18 contests tells her something. The data science is nothing new. As bible said, Ecclesiastes 1:9
What has been will be again
what has been done will be done again; 
there is nothing new under the sun. 

Julia, stay focus and work on the foundation of computer science. 

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