Monday, August 10, 2015

Java Script book reading and videos

August 10, 2015
Spent 12 months starting from January 2014 to study Java Script, it is most challenging language I learned and finally get used to this functional language, dynamic, loosely type language. Enjoy reading the Java Script code and play with the code.
Here are some resources most helpful to my personal experience:
Books I read, some of them only a few pages here and there:
  1. [O`Reilly] - JavaScript. The Definitive Guide, 6th ed. - [Flanagan]
Only read 200 pages of the book (total pages: around 1000 pages), spent 2-3 months to read, practice
  1. JavaScript for PHP Developers
Tried examples in the book, and practiced some. Focused on first 3 chapters. Great book!
  1. JavaScript Patterns
  2. Javascript cookbook
  3. [Manning] - Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja - [Resig]
  4. O'reilly - Head First Javascript
  5. Maintainable JavaScript
  6. Java Script good parts
  7. Testable JavaScript (one of my favorite books)
Videos I watched:
  1. Douglas Crokford: The Javascript Programming language and most of the videos from him on
  1. Learning to love Javascript and a lot of other google videos about Javascript

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