Sunday, January 17, 2016

Learn Google interview process - 25 things to learn

January 9, 2016


Julia spent time again in 2016 to review the video. She likes to take some notes, and then, look into them. So, she remembers now that interview white board question solving should be fun, and should be creative, and should be easy to work with, since the interviewer likes to drop hints, and make you  happy and see if you can solve the problem, or learn something from you as well.

Moishe was in the hiring committee, and also taught the interview process. 

Write your own notes

Watch again in 2016, and this time Julia likes to take notes about 25 things about interview. 

1. It's Fun! 
Talk to new people, meeting new people is extremely fun, sharing expertise with people who have same knowledge - great fun. 

Learn through interview, how to interact, no matter undergraduate dropout or PH.D. 

2. Except when it isn't 
3 hours for preparation, before and after; meet the strangers 
Random things happens - 
Candidate cries, cannot figure out the solution; 
Some one just refused to write code; communication problems; People are jerks; people are refused to write code; for more senior position etc.  

3. Noisy, inaccurate, arbitrary (random, casual)

To write code on white board, it is difficult to do 
some cascading problem 
Noisy - interviewer may have a bad day, how to feel about interacting with a person

Interviewer may be in a bad day; you can get different results 
If you are in border line, you are invited to come back in 1 year - google is just generous

5 people can say no if they interview any hired person 

Google's response: 
Set the bar very high - false positive, false negative - not hire a bad person  
For example, one week, 8 of candidates,  say no to all of them 

4. Data is a blessing and a curse 
no correlation between interviewee and ... 
each interviewer give 1 - 4, 4 definitively hire, 2.0 - 3.0 range 

You can't put a number on stuff that matters

Written feedback - 3 or 4 pages narrative about the person 
Same as IQ, it is not accurate 

You can't even ask about stuff that matters - things to love work with, things about employee 

How to test it in the interview? 
Give them the question, see if she/he has passion, and their creative ability, their enthusiasm, maybe their sense of fun, pretty good habit to hack, come out the solution
Keypoint is like a criticism, not statistics. 

5. It's a team effort, and isolation hurts
One interviewer goes very deep in one area; two personalities clicks very well. 
Microsoft - hiring manager is responsible for saying yes/ no - hiring bar goes down a little bit
but Google, Hiring for Google, not for hiring for a team 

Analysis of hiring of Microsoft: 
  not be on malicious, just need to hire some one; bar will keep going down; no check on it. 
Analysis of hiring of Google: 
   very consistent. 

6. Be prepared! 
When you have to give out interview, you should be prepared. 

Having a structure will help: Google has 4-5 hiring - interview process class - basic outline 
10 minutes - 
40 minutes - question 
10 minutes - question to answer 

More nervous than interviewee - first interview to give. 

7. But, it's like jazz
unexpected thing will happen, will go side ways; 
Favorite interview questions:
Maybe they are heard; you can figure out quickly; improvise, 

Maybe they do not like to write code 
Maybe people have better ideas to write code 
Maybe people can 
Maybe be taught, interviewee may give out total out-of-surprise solution 

8. Please make mistakes!
It takes practice. calibrates, 3 people gives interviews together. 
people did more than 25 interviews. 

9. Every interview is a conversation (with goals) 
It is not a test, or something like putting through and see if the interviewee can survive

Conversation has goals, which is ok; Do not just stress the interviewer out; 

Primary goal: 
Happy candidate 
Make them happy
Do not get something from the candidate, but make them feel not good. 
It does not take much to gain notoriety - people blog about the bad interview process 

Interview is stressful Survey: Do you have good experience of Google interview? 

Other goal: Answer "Would I love to work with this person?"
Even the people is not in the same team, do you like to work with him; contribute the company, can he teach you, can they be taught by you, can he inspire you etc. ? Idea world, work with the people smart than me. You want to keep raising the bar.

Is this person having qualities, and then people love to work with? Can they contribute to the company

Other goal: give answer to "Would you love to work at this company?"
Talk about culture, how excited to work here.

Feel real Humanity sense during the interview while I am working here. 

Good interviewers are generous - Ask good questions when interview goes on. Honest to candidate, work hard on candidate. Ask good questions in the interview goes on. 
I learn something amazing, graph traversal problem for example, traverse the graph, and find all the words in them.
Second part, implement a dictionary to look up those words quickly. Use tries for that.
That is what far the interviewer gets on that question. But he asked the candidate, he got through that approximately 8 minutes. What else you can do, he showed me that traverse the graph and trie in parallel, magic and beautiful thing.

cannot write down the detail. 

1. Traverse graph, and build up a dictionary. A candidate spends 8 minutes to figure out. The candidate shows doing thing in parallel.

2. Random number, time stamp
superior smart, give me direction

3. Beauty math and engineering problem
Interviewer being prepared, knowledge

10. Time is of the essence - counter point of generous of interviewer
Time management - easy to get away from you as an interviewer. 
Candidate may talk too much not important, not relate to the conversation the interviewer likes to have. 

A few thoughts on technical interviews: 
11. Good question are like onions

naive solution in the crust, you can peel back, deep, more interesting problems going on. 

First technical interview question I asked, write a program to draw a circle - 
Microsoft, 1994, super nervous, five minutes small talk
Write a program to draw a circle - sin, cos, 2 * PI,
Interviewer says that it sucks, speed up
sqrt root 
All right, good job

- 15 minutes left, no square root - compute error - with right hint
compute error - high far away you are
congratulations: circle drawing algorithms by windows
questions goes to deeper and deeper, for the candidate, it is great. More iterate on something

Iterative on something

12. Strive for higher bandwidth
prefer for the white board to just talk to people, can get more data

First Microsoft interview, whole nervous whole day. 
Just give me a notebook and problem, and let me work on the problems. 

13. Artifice is inevitable
Being a candidate is not having a job.
Is this person enjoyable to be around? Is this person creative? Can this person learn? 

14. More signal; less noise
Let candidate know what they are here for; let interviewee prepare

Your job as an interviewer is to help them show their best work. That is what you want to see. You are not just trying to make them fail. 

15. This might be the best we can do
It probably isn't

Hack school is a good hiring tool - 2 months of coding, some one can finish or so on. 

15. Have Fun

1. Machine learning helps the interviewer to decide ...
Human input, the written feedback, hiring committee

2. Question: false positive
Worthy taking some risk on some one; Make a bad hire, cascading effects,

3. Microsoft hires for a team, Google hires for the company
hiring committee -
culture thing - 

4. How to hire people with domain knowledge? 1 person with domain knowledge

5. Personality fit vs strong technique skills
Ability to lean and pick things up; demonstrate Java and Java Script knowledge, so he/she can pick up PHP.
People cannot get the expertise you need.

6. Don't hire ass holes if he is perfect for the job. 
During interview, he is a domain expert; Some one creates a toxic environment. 
He is bad, drag people down;

7. Interviewers talk about, send an email for these emails. 
Microsoft email chain - hiring or not hiring / quiet sure
Poised or blessed by your first interviewer - a senior people if he is. 

Google does not allow to communicate, every one does not have context, what happened before. Without bias is better. 

8. Group interview - 2 interviewer, one interviewee
2 shade interviews - 2 shade interviews, just observe, do not say a word. 

9. If you have power to change, what to change?
Could you hang out? Could you talk? Can you communicate?
Do you have enough data for you to decide if you should hire? 

10. calibrate? new bees? How much weight?

Good questions, exercise the candidate
here is the place the interviewer has to hint
Apply something
Write solid code
Talk through ...

11. Who is focusing on? before interview
After the interview, people talk about the impressions, sort of things.

2-3 pages - take up code sample - two pages typical for feedback

If every one goes to wrap up meeting,

12. Google does follow up, it takes months to make a decision; now it only takes weeks.

Stumble early on, give hints on - just more you ask question, the more you know how to give hints.

13. behavior questions:
agree general ideas how to do behavior questions.

Program interview exposed.

14. turnaround time - how quickly to get back to the candidate?
Microsoft - last interview - you have the hiring manager to interview you.
Google - April, interview, at the end of June.

Nov. 30, 2016

- Proficiently
- Quickly  <- ask questions
- without mistakes
- Good practices

January 14, 2017

March 3, 2017 
Read quora answers provided by Moishe Lettvin.

Answer of Google interview, very good time to read the answer.
No degree, imposter syndrome; Julia did not get her Ph.D. degree, but she had a special experience on her Ph.D. study, she went through the immigration process and then became a Canadian citizen. She then went back to her career pursuit relentlessly through Hackerrank contest training.

Read Moishe Lettvin's answer to Is it necessary to complete graduation to get the software engineering job at Google? on Quora

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