Sunday, January 29, 2017

User experience study

January 29, 2017


Julia did some design when she starts to think for customers, in a lighting manufacturer industry, she also learns that people are from different background, do not take for granted that every one knows physics (wattage, voltage, resistance) very well. She keeps improving of her knowledge as a good user experience designer for a small commercial website day by day.

She came cross the facebook user experience manager linkedin profile through a study, and then she decides to have a first study how user experience works in the facebook. Just go over those people's linkedin profiles, and find some articles to read, and discussion topics.

The idea to conduct a study is from the review of her own blog and she found something interesting.

To make thing nice and clean, less is more, do not make it too busy, she learned from the work. Try to go over the website daily, and figure out CSS issues, talked about CSS and continuously study and write code using CSS and html, Julia also learned how to train herself thinking like a good designer.

One of her favorite websites is tennis No. 1, just retired player Ana, Julia studied the website again and again. That is her favorite one.

Will come back to write down what she learns.

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