Monday, May 22, 2017

Bronze medal celebration - week code 32 on hackerrank

May 22, 2017


It is a small contest but Julia learned how to advance her algorithm research and problem solving skills. Julia still has to learn how to identify advanced algorithm as a classical algorithm in the contest, and then improve her performance from less than 10% to more. No matter how good you are as a programmer, if you cannot relate to the specific advanced algorithm or data structure, the timeout will cause you lose 90% score.

Julia dedicated her effort to work on last two algorithms in the week code 32, she was busy with near 10 mocking experience May 20 - 21 weekend, and then she only had chance to work on those two algorithms. She did not spend time to work on two medium algorithm at all. 

The score is so low, but the bronze medal is the celebration of her brave to solve hard and expert level algorithm, prepare herself to advance her study to two more advanced algorithms - one is called network flow and the another one is called treap tree.

Actionable Items

Study discussion, link is here.

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