May 30, 2016
Study the Java code shown in the blog:
Here is the C# code to use the same ideas in the above blog (
Previous blogs on Leetcode 126: word ladder
Study Java Code,
and then, write C# code, and then, improve code readability, play with styles etc. Time spent: more than 8 hours +.
the code runs ok, but need more changes:
Questions and Answers:
1. How about the practice?
The practice is with better ideas, short code.
idea 1: To track the actual ladder, we need to add a pointer that points to the previous node in the WordNode class.
For example, hit -> cog, each hop with distance 5:
hit, prev = null,
hot, prev = hit,
dot, prev = hot
dog, prev = dot
cog, prev = dog
So, using BFS - breadth first search, queue, once the WordNode with "cog" is found, then, whole path can be retrieved. This is a singly linked list.
Same applies to the path: hit->hot->lot->log->cog
idea 2: In addition, the used word can not directly removed from the dictionary. The used word is only removed when steps change.
2. C# practice vs. Java practice?
Java code - use LinkedList as queue, so Julia tried to use C# LinkedList to implement the queue as well.
C# LinkedList API used in the practice:
line 48, line 115: AddLast() <- queue.enqueue, force to add at the end
line 63: First() <- queue.Peek(), just look up the front node's value, but do not remove the node
line 64: RemoveFirst() <- queue.Dequeue()
C# practice:
line 101: string.ToCharArray()
line 112: new string(char[]) - constructor
From January 2015, she started to practice leetcode questions; she trains herself to stay focus, develops "muscle" memory when she practices those questions one by one. 2015年初, Julia开始参与做Leetcode, 开通自己第一个博客. 刷Leet code的题目, 她看了很多的代码, 每个人那学一点, 也开通Github, 发表自己的代码, 尝试写自己的一些体会. She learns from her favorite sports – tennis, 10,000 serves practice builds up good memory for a great serve. Just keep going. Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.
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