Thursday, September 1, 2016

A drill - Leetcode solution code study

Sept. 1, 2016

 Code reading first, coding writing follows. So Julia designs a drill for her to work on Leetcode algorithm daily. Just use Visual studio to go over the best code in C++ for Leetcode solution, written by a computer science Ph.D.. Find the best code (so many solutions, this one definitely is top 1 in thousands), use the code to train herself in the thinking.

 Give it a try, and see if it works out or not.

Inside github, search HackerRank, find this: (MSFT, top performer, ACM/ICPC coaches (2010 - 2012), with time spent for each algorithm)

Julia spends hours, days to work on a solution, a best performer is there to play it with less than 20 minutes.

The practice is to find things to improve, one algorithm a time. Or find things to learn, write down one by one.

Review algorithms:
1. LC98    validate binary search tree - Sept. 12, 2016
2. LC61    rotate list
3. LC200  number of islands

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