Friday, December 30, 2016

Code Review - Algorithms by JavaDeveloper (Day I of 10)

Dec. 30, 2016

Julia learns to become a good coach one day by document her own practice. Tennis coach Rob Steckley coached top ranking WTA players from ranking 50 to 20;  however, Rob was not top player himself. His best ranking was around 400 when he was 27 years old. His big advice as a coach is to learn super patient, with some humor; in other words, make WTA players laugh.

Julia may not be top players on HackerRank contests, she only can perform 10% of top players in the world. But she has the goal - maybe, she can coach players up to top 10% performers in the world. A few things she found she could do, one is to write her own coding blogs to show the journey.

She did work on coding blog, and then, she found out that she started to get bronze medal on HackerRank; and then, she writes down whatever she likes to write, tiny progress she makes, and then, she found out that a smart anonymous programmer very well-prepared, had 189 algorithm with nice code, also reviewed on

Let us read some timeline facts. Julia started to write coding blog from June 2016, and found code review on in Nov. 2016 Jianmin Chen (37 days), compared to JavaDeveloper (code review profile on 3 years 4 months). 3 years difference. Julia got reputation 139, 4 answers, 6 questions, ~2k people reached, visited 38 days, 38 consecutive, whereas the JavaDeveloper has 0 answers, 189 questions, ~642k people reached, member for 3 years, 4 months, 988 profile views, Last seen Dec. 19'16 at 15:29. Top 4% overall.

She has one week break from Dec. 24 - January 3, 2016. She found JavaDeveloper on until on Dec. 29. She plans to review 189 algorithms, but she could not finish all of them.


Julia spent a lot of time from June 2015 to Nov, 2016 to use Google to find algorithm blogs, over 50% of them are written in Chinese. She did learn a lot of through the study; but she felt that Google search results may not lead to the best solutions out there.

Every time Julia documents the mistakes she made, she starts to learn basics. Spend time to read, write, share, and make correction. Most important is to keep her focus more on the practice.


Plan to review all the questions asked by one person - Julia searched "binary tree maximum path sum".

Around 100 algorithms.

Least Common Ancestor in Binary Tree

Or go through 189 question by votes

Julia tried so hard last few days to find good code review, she finally settles down on this one. Good job, well done!

Create a binary search tree

Check for balanced parentheses   over 40000 views

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