Feb. 20, 2022
Here is the link.
Don't leave your system design interview to chance. Sign up for Exponent's system design interview course today: https://bit.ly/2Nl5Bn5 Watch our mock Facebook system design interview. Kevin Wei (Coinbase PM) asks Hozefa (Facebook, Wealthfront EM) a system design question on designing Twitter. Watch more videos here: - Amazon SDE answers binary tree question: https://youtu.be/thkuu_FWFD8 - Google SWE answers algorithms interview question: https://youtu.be/NRRyk0XqkkA - Google TPM answers Tiktok system design interview question: https://youtu.be/Z-0g_aJL5Fw - Microsoft SWE answers algorithms interview question: https://youtu.be/oD1m1iREKB4
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