Monday, September 2, 2024

CMT exam | CMT program | Jay Woods | Technician of trading

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And for those people that don't know, Ralph Acampora, of course, is he's the one that kind of started the CMT program, the chartered market technician. And, you know, when he was on our show not too long ago, I mean, it was like, hey, is it in an uptrend or not? You know, are there higher lows? Are there higher highs?

00;14;23;04 - 00;14;46;18
It's, you know, sometimes just that simple. So they're very good stuff. Arusha. What what what did you have? Yeah, well, first, you know, Ralph is the godfather. So given what I want when I was also my godfather. So full analysis. I don't know. Yeah, but Jay, talking about the indicators, you know, after you learn because especially going through the CMT program, you learn about tons and tons of different indicators and they're all super cool.

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Well, how did you evolve? Did you, did you find yourself after using them a number of years that you kept them or did you reduce and try to simplify? How did you evolve during your time? no, I keep evolving with those indicators. I try to keep it simple. So I was blessed when I studied for my CMT exam.

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