Saturday, March 5, 2016

HackerRank: Bear and Steady Gene algorithm (IV)

March 5, 2016

Problem statement:  

A gene is represented as a string of length  (where  is divisible by ), composed of the letters , and . It is considered to be steady if each of the four letters occurs exactly  times. For example,  and are both steady genes.

Julia did 3 practice code using C#, but she likes one of solutions using Java, and then, she spent 5 minutes to convert it to C#.

study code:
Java code implementation to study:

Julia's fourth practice:
use two pointers, sliding window, linear time solution

Julia's comment:
Julia learned a few things through the code:
1.  Declare cnt array using size of 256, ascii code is 256. So, ACGT shoud be ok.
2.  Declare a string "ACGT", and then the code uses 'A', 'C', 'G', 'T' only once.
3. Only two loops, first loop, variable l - left pointer from 0 to n-1.
    second while loop, move r pointer if cnt arrray is bigger than mx - minimum
  while (cnt['A'] > mx || cnt['C'] > mx || cnt['T'] > mx || cnt['G'] > mx) {

How to paraphrase this conditional checking?
Let us go through the test case "GAAATAAA", 
cnt['A'] = 6, cnt['C'] = 0, cnt['G']= 1, cnt['T'] = 1
mx = 2, 
starting from G, and then, while loop <- get in, 
G-> GA->...->GAAATA, cnt['A'] = 2, cnt['G'] = 0,

now, it is time to exit while loop. <- making sense. Because cnt array contains the count 
for rest of substring "GAAATA", requirement is "none of 'ACGT" is more than 2".

April 14, 2016

I put the for loop into a standalone function, and then, add some comment for the function, explain the design. Basically, it is using sliding window. 

Here is the link of code, which passes HackerRank as well.

This post is one of most viewed so far, over 130 views, from March 5 to April 13, 2016.


  1. Hi Julia. I'm having a hard time understanding the logic behind your code. Could you please what exactly happens inside the for loop? What each variable and array signifies? How the logic works exactly? That'd be pretty helpful. Thanks!

  2. Sidious, thank you for the comment. I put the for loop into a standalone function, and then, add some comment for the function, explain the design. Basically, it is using sliding window.
    Here is the link of code, which passes HackerRank as well.
