Sunday, March 27, 2016

HackerRank: Sherlocks and Anagram (III)

March 27, 2016

Problem statement:

Difficulty: Moderate

This problem solving gets hot. Julia found something she struggled a lot. When Julia spent more than 2 hours on a problem in the Saturday evening, she knew that she is in trouble. She needs to be trained, and she needs a mentor.

Solution to study:

Julia, you should warm up with C# Dictionary<string, int>, and also StringBuilder class, AppendFormat function.

Let us review how to design anagram key more efficient, more understandable way:

Think about how smart and easy it is to design this key for anagram string.

if two strings are anagram, the key should be same.
if two strings are not anagram, the key should be different.

Test case:
ab, the key is {0}-1{1}-1
ba, the key is {0}-1{1}-1,
bc, the key is {0}-0{1}-1{2}-1

compare to the design of anagram key using integer, this one is much easy to understand and follow.
static string GiveKey(int[] arr){
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for(int i = 0 ; i < 26 ; i++){
        return sb.ToString();

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