Sunday, February 12, 2017

How to spot A-player?

Feb. 12, 2017

Do some study on the topic, how to spot A-player?

Another article also is related to the topic very well, using structure interview.

This one talks more in detail, 7 questions:
  1. Have they been promoted at least once in a previous role?
  2. Have they had to lead a big project in a previous role? How did they handle it?
  3. Is this the same role as a previous job or is it somewhat/completely different?
  4. Can they speak about your company and tell you what they like and what they might change?
  5. Are they confident without being cocky?
  6. Are they committed to continual learning? Can they prove it?
  7. How would you rate the quality and quantity of questions they ask YOU during the interview?A-players care about the team they'll be on, their manager and where you want to take your company moving forward. 

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