Wednesday, March 1, 2017

How Google's Rules Can Work in Your Office

March 1, 2017

Study 14 minutes talk, How Google's Rules Can Work in Your Office, interview conducted by Cade Massey, Knowledge@Wharton.

First round notes: (March 1, 2017 9:00pm - 9:15pm)

Project oxygen - people treat employees better, Google shares their secret

What principles?
Make work meaningful.
Take power from the managers. Manager can not hire, can not ...
Apply science to make better decisions

Can Google's ideas apply to other companies?

Why the company choose not to do?
Limit the power of the manager - ?
The hiring committee - every one writes the comment
the only job is to make sure that hiring bar is high. All about quality. Less bias

Transparency - lead or follow other things
To be transparency, it is in DNA. Who we are, what we do.
Every quarter he shares all things in board meeting. Build trust.
Feel less scary. Benefit that people feel trusted, make better decision, build better product.

Sense of improving, 2 - 4 generation of ...
Run the program   vs    do a stunt ?

Share what is not in the book?

Nudges - what can you change the environment around some one to make better decision?
without removing the options

Two of good things:
weight loss - paid candy, less visible, New York office, healthy snack no need to pay

wealth accumulated by people
power of compounding - talk about retirement

Second round notes (March 1, 2017 9:15pm - 9:30pm)

Manager cannot decide who to hire, who to promote

The hiring committee only job is to keep the hiring bar very high - extremely hire (Julia, figure out how high it is!)
Go to the same school, both have same interest - remove all those bias

Give people little, and share about more. Road map of project, etc., ....

How to keep improving? No outside consultant comes in to do it one time.
More time on academics instead of ...
long term perspective

doing the stunt     vs    repeat things, experiment

Share more not in the book.
chapter about nudges - a nudge, not forcing, change environment to make better research
weight loss experiment:
New York office - put candy in paid container
think about home - immediately at home

importance to saving

research about wealth people accumulated in life time

social security, medicare - $100,000, power of compounding

math, compounding, big impact to read the book - work rules

Third round notes (9:30pm - 9:45pm)

Google is good place to work, open source to share, state of the world

triat? freedom, transparency,
what makes the manager work well?
main principle? a few, meaning at work; connect work to something meaningful, increase 30% - 40%
house cleaning? meaningful

take power away from managers - people like to have a freedom
only process 40 out of billions of information, make decisions wrong without knowing

How to apply other companies?
Go over examples, bakery store in north east

India a texile factory -
Teach woman entrepreneurship

Do not do the stuff? Not intuitive, micromanage
People perform better when managers are taken away the power

Committee - hiring committee, those people are important -
manager and other people do not have incentive to keep the hiring bar high
remove those factors, same school, etc., less bias
transparency - necessary conditions, among those factors, transparency - how important it is?

chairman shares after board meeting - big step, first step, build trust,
simple like notes about board meeting, could-be anything, trust to build, and share a lot of more
they know what is going on, make better decision

How much research you do internal?

Actionable Items:

Google search and continue to study.
micro kitchen - GE micro kitchen

Google search: google nudges research

healthy snacks in Google

The Google Diet: Search Giant's Revamped Eating Habits

people analytics - behavior science - do not take away, but New York's Google office consumes less calorie - data driven company

Get work done - food less than 120 feet away - put water bottle up -

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