Saturday, January 16, 2021

Listening skills: Collaborate, control fear and greedy

 Jan. 16, 2021


I like to collaborate with friends in Jiaotong University Chinese wechat investment group. I chose to invest EXPR stock and also INTC stock, and I like to learn how to take advice, and then collaborate with others. 

Equity research and trading

It takes time to work on equity research. I have to get some ideas from friends, and also it is important for me to collaborate with them, and I can perform better and help me to learn better on investment. 

Equity research is so challenge. But it is also hard for me to take advice, make purchase once idea is formed and I need to take action. 

I failed to make purchase 500 shares of INTC before it went up $59/ share from $51.00. I always had this regret that I should have done it back in Dec., 2020 when price was at $45.00 dollars. That is best place to learn how to invest, billion dollar transaction a day on INTC stock. 

I also like to talk about EXPR, normally it is less than 5 million dollar a day. In order for me to invest, I should also consider to take some risk as well. The price went up from 0.60 to 1.80, and then went down 0.90. I should invest $10,000 dollars at price 0.90, and sold those shares in less than half month $1.50. 

I thought about 0.30/ share loss for $10,000 dollars. That is $3000 dollars. 

Equity research is the way for us to build a community. Some of us may not have enough hours at work place. There is no other business open for us to make money. Investment takes risk, I like to read more about books and understand better about risk, marginal safety, value investment. 

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