Tuesday, January 19, 2021


 Jan. 19, 2021

Here is the link. 

Investing in stocks requires answering the following questions: How to invest money in stocks? How much money to invest in stocks? What are the best stocks to buy? How to find the best stocks to buy? How do I protect myself from a stock market crash? What are the best stocks to invest in? Should I invest in penny stocks? Should I invest in bitcoin? Should I invest in blockchain? How to invest in stocks on your own? HOW TO INVEST MONEY IN STOCKS? HOW MUCH MONEY TO INVEST IN STOCKS? What I do is, I invest money in my stock market portfolio on a month by month basis. I have a model stock portfolio that I started with $10 thousand and I add $1 thousand every month no matter what. I do not necessarily buy with all the money that I add, that depends on the opportunities in the market, more about how I find opportunities and track them later. My goal is for this stock market portfolio to be at $1 million in 20 years. This will be achieved if I reach an investment return of 12% per year. I believe, this can be achieved with proper research, good risk reward analysis and proper portfolio diversification. Investors that I admire like Klarman, Buffett, Schloss, have achieved even higher returns than 12% over the very long term. Other value investors are steadily above 15% which shows that this can be done over the long term.

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