Thursday, March 10, 2022

Comprehensive Data Structure and Algorithm Study Guide


Here is the article.


1. String Processing: Follow the string section from CP Algorithms Site.
2. Bit Manipulation: Follow HackerEarth Bit Manipulation Tutorial and also Fun with Bits Tutorial.
[Comment if you have any other topic in mind]
Nota Bene(N.B): I didn't cover the study materials for advanced DS like SegTree, Fenwick tree/ BIT, Sparse Matrix etc. And also some non trivial algorithms. Don't worry about these, you won't face them in an interview in 95% case at least for entry levels or a bit higher from entry. But if you are studying for CP, good luck, just study everything you see on the fly.😛 And you might have seen i tried to categorize CI and CP guys as to differentiate the volume of study materials for each of them.
 While 1:
	print("Deliberate Strategic Practice")
	print("Study and implement New DSA")
	print("Simulate real environement and test yourself") # do contest, contest and contest
and its cliché i know! But it's the only way. There is no secret sauce really. Suppose you just read backtracking from an article or may be a video, then why not solving 10 DFS and Backtracking tagged question in LC at a stretch ?. In university, i saw my classmates and seniors with no cs knowledge became red coder in CP platforms within ~1-2 years. Their secret is nothing but Regular Deliberate Strategic Practice. They always try to solve questions beyond their comfort zone and do it regularly. And that is it really. Always solve questions that you are not comfortable with, push yourself. Try to solve topic wise after you get a good general grasp of DSA. Find your weakness and work on it. Hard work will pay you off one day.

Other comprehensive CI (and CP) prep guides: (Comment if you know any good material)

Just want to finish with one of my favorite quote by Mark Manson:

""I wanted the reward and not the struggle. I wanted the result and not the process. I was in love not with the fight but only the victory. And life doesn't work that way.""

Hope this will help you a bit to ace your next coding interviews or competitive programming contest. Any suggestions on improving materials or adding materials will be highly appreciated.

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