Monday, August 19, 2024 | Ya Xu | VP of Engineering | Career path

Here is the link. 

It’s time to say goodbye, LinkedIn.

4,123 days—that’s how long I’ve had the privilege to grow, learn, and innovate alongside some of the most passionate and talented people in the world.

When I first walked through LinkedIn’s doors as a junior scientist & engineer, I could never have imagined the incredible journey ahead of me. Looking back at the four tours of duty I’ve done here—(1) building LinkedIn’s first experimentation platform and making it the de facto approach for launching products, (2) revamping the entire mobile and desktop experience, (3) transforming how data science drives products and business, and finally (4) spearheading all the Data & AI efforts—I’m filled with joy, pride, and even a few tears. Every challenge and triumph has shaped me, both as a professional and as a person.

I’m incredibly proud of what we’ve achieved together. The team has never been stronger, our AI & data tech stack has never been more robust. It's on this very high note that now is the perfect time for my next chapter. The amazing team members I’ve had the honor of hiring and growing will undoubtedly continue to thrive, and I’ll be cheering for each of them from the sidelines, grateful for the times we’ve shared.

As I get ready for what’s next, I carry with me deep connections and friendships that will last a lifetime. So many have shared joys with me, guided me when I was lost, and lifted me up when I was low. You know who you are! You’ve been the best companions I could have hoped for on this incredible journey.

With deep gratitude!

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