Monday, June 15, 2015

Leetcode 5: longest palindromic substring

Problem statement:
Given a string S, find the longest palindromic substring in S.
June 15, 2015
Websites to read:

题目分析很透彻, 很有帮助!

C# code on github:

January 2, 2016

Review the algorithm. 
Leetcode question: 5. Longest Palindromic Substring

January 13, 2016
Read the blog:

Please read 5-6 solution about this leetcode question, and then, collect all the wisdom. Try to have nice memory about the solution, some fun experience; therefore, it will be a quick and fun time to solve the similar problems in the future.

Do not rush to finish more leetcode questions. Try to focus on simple problems.

There are 5 solutions discussed in the following blog, most important is to give overview of 5 analysis, what is brute force solution - time, space complexity.

One way to make review more fun is to read more than 10 - 20 solutions, and know all the ideas out there, and then, write some code; Reading is most important to help understand algorithms, through a simple problem, common interview question.

4 solutions in the above blog

one optimal solution - linear time solution in the following blog:

This blog is in Chinese. Excellent! Try to summary a few tips to come out linear time optimal solution! Do something to get more involved.

spent 10 minutes to read the article,

Read the blog:

6th solution, a suffix tree solution:

January 7, 2017
3 code reviews:
Longest palindrome string - best review - no raw loop.

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