Tuesday, June 9, 2015

LeetCode: triangle

April 4, 2014 - work on one leetcode algorithm - dynamic programming about the triangle.
Given a triangle, find the minimum path sum from top to bottom. Each step you may move to adjacent numbers on the row below.
Read 3 websites:
Best solution:
Not optimal one:
Cloud not figure out the best solution with the example, and then, read this website with an example:
I got it. Using dynamic programming, and also from bottom to up. Here is the summary of algorithm using the example:
We start with a triangle that looks like
7 4
2 4 6
8 5 9 3
Applying the algorithm to the small problem we will need three iterations. The first iteration we apply the rule a + max(b,c) which creates a new triangle which looks as
7 4
10 13 15
Making the second iteration of the algorithm makes the triangle look
20 19
And if we run the algorithm once more, the triangle collapses to one number – 23 – which is the answer to the question.

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