Thursday, April 21, 2016

Insert value into a circle linked list

April 21, 2016

Work on an algorithm called "Insert value into a circle linked list"

another problem:

Insert into a cyclic sorted list:

Question and Answer:
1. Three cases:
  1. prev→val ≤ x ≤ current→val:
  2. Insert between prev and current.
  3. x is the maximum or minimum value in the list:
    Insert before the head. (ie, the head has the smallest value and its prev→val > head→val.
  4. Traverses back to the starting point:
    Insert before the starting point.
2. Let us walk through the code, and put some comment:

void insert(Node *& aNode, int x) {
  if (!aNode) { // Julia: if the node is empty, then, create one, link to itself to form a loop
    aNode = new Node(x);
    aNode->next = aNode;
  Node *p = aNode; // Julia: two pointers, one is current, one is previous, get into a loop
  Node *prev = NULL;
  do {
    prev = p;
    p = p->next;

int[] arr = new int[2]{prev->data, p->data}; // Julia: add some explanation variable

    if (x >= arr[0] && x <= arr[1] ) break;   // For case 1)
    if ((arr[0] > arr[1]) && (x > arr[0] || x < arr[1] )) break; // For case 2)
  } while (p != aNode);   // when back to starting point, then stop. For case 3)
  Node *newNode = new Node(x);
  newNode->next = p;
  prev->next = newNode;

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