Thursday, April 7, 2016

JavaScript - slide show case studies

April 7, 2016

Work on JavaScript, Css, html on picture slideshow.

Here is the list of sample code Julia chose to study.

Mental skills tip:
Julia read google employer's code about slideshow, how the code is structured and commented, and then, she found her issue.

Learning JavaScript, first thing, is not afraid to break things, learn the grammar first; Fix the style. She spent 3 hours to fix the style problem of her slideshow JavaScript legacy code. Make sure that the style is readable.
For example:
return a=1, b=1, c=1, d=1;
readable style:

2. page slide show 

3. Demo - 

source code:

Tips learned on April 8, 2016:

about comma in the JavaScript code: return statement:

understand return statement with multiple , commas

4. read more about JavaScript

Action item: 

Share the slideshow JavaScript as well. Make it more readable, using meaningful variables. 

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