Saturday, July 22, 2017

Face paralysis research

July 22, 2017

Life is a great teacher, if you live happy and healthy, and get along with friends and family, you will have a lot of lessons to learn. Julia is experiencing a lot last six months, she studies a lot of things.

Aging is the big topic for her to catch up. Julia is so busy with algorithms, Leetcode and hackerrank contest. And once a while she pushes herself to rewrite a program at work and she joked about she is writing a new book because of the code has over 100 pages long. She is such a great writer and she enjoys so much for the great performance of new updated program. She knows that her new schools taught her so many lessons and she was definitely happy to apply everything to her own work.

Recently in summer break, Julia has a young sister who is a college teacher, she shared her story about face paralysis. So Julia has to start to learn how to keep our face healthy, avoid face paralysis.

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