Saturday, July 1, 2017

Three things to learn Canada day

July 1, 2017


It is Canada day. Julia likes to celebrate the day as a Canadian citizen. She also likes to do some work for immigration application. Julia likes to work hard and plan to provide high quality work for the application.

Study and work 

Julia likes to do some research to help herself to get more educated on the application. She starts to find some videos on

Follow up 

July 3, 2017  5:55 pm

It is a long weekend. Julia did some study on her sponsor application. She spent a lot of hours to study youtube video about other people's sharing, and also she started to think about how to hold high standard for her own work. Professional consultant asks $3,000 Canadian dollars, after over 10 hours work and study this weekend, Julia found out the joy to go back to work on the case after a six-month -break, a return application just allowed her to see that her work based on 1,00 hours study could not compare to the professional consultant work. But Julia is a learner, she likes to get back and relax, try again, fail again, fail better.

As a software programmer, Julia could not take a whole weekend break only for immigration application, she still chose to work on algorithm mocking interview and practice for a few hours. But she learns to be gentle to herself, one mocking interview only. It took 100 minutes.

Bible teaching is here, Julia likes to share the bible verse to encourage herself to be a hard worker.
Proverbs 21:5 The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.

July 8, 2017 10:55 am 

Immigration ranking: Lonely Canadian

It is so good to come cross the immigration law and learn how to apply to myself, commonly referred "lonely Canadian". Julia has a sister who has strong legal knowledge and she likes to question anything, so she read a lot and then she gave Julia an advice to look into immigration law. So after the conversation, Julia looked into the Canada immigration law, in less than 30 minutes, she found the law of sponsorship to apply herself. Sometimes it does not matter how strong you have the ability to do research, it is how you treat other people's opinion, how open you are to connect to people, be friends with people, fair to listen to people's opinion.

Learning a law is easy and apply the law takes courage and hard work.

Here is the video related to "Family Class: Sponsoring Overage Siblings".

Free webinar: Family Sponsorship for Canada - 19 minutes video link is here.

Follow up
Dec. 22, 2019

I walked in an office in crystal mall, the officer works on application for admission to universities, I asked her a few questions. And she also told me that even parents cannot sponsor their adult children if the child is over 22 years old. My nephew turned 25 years old this year.

I explained to her that lonely Canadian program, and how I applied for my nephew. The whole process took me a few years, starting from 2016, and he landed in May 2019.

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