Monday, December 25, 2017

Listen to your younger sister (II)

Dec. 25, 2017


It is the biggest treasure to have a younger sister, specially after my mom passed away since Nov. 11, 2017. My younger sister is a lecturer all her career to teach biochemistry in the university of Yichun, Jiangxi province. We all are busy and grow apart, and then follow different directions in the life.

I like to write something to say how good it is to have a young sister in your life.

Research and law

2000 - 2001

My young sister started to teach in the university when she was 23 years old. She helped my mom to apply visa to USA back in 2000 when she took one year break to study in the university of Beijing as a teacher exchange program. Therefore my mom had chance to visit Florida twice in 2000 and 2001, first time my mom stayed in Florida with me four months, and then second visit was five month long. I had work visa H1-B at that time and worked for a online entertainment software company.

2016 - 2017

My nephew grew up so quickly, he spent 6 years to live with my young sister and my mom from 2005 to 2011. And my younger teacher sister helped him to learn and study very hard. And then he spent two years with my elder teacher sister, another one in Shenzhen city from 2010 to 2001. At that time, his English teacher tutored him to work on English since my teacher sister did research and analysis on his potential and weakness to prepare his university admission examinations. English is easy to get improved in short training or tutoring.

Now back to July 2016 my teacher sister told me to work on sponsor application, go to check the law. I listened and then started my journey.

It is my turn to be a grown-up and help young generation. It is hard and take it slow, invest time to learn and figure out things by myself. I did complete the sponsor application at the end of 2017.

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