Saturday, January 19, 2019

It is time to show my personal asset

Jan. 19, 2019


It is my personal finance research. I like to present a progress report on my personal finance research. I have college classmate who owns over ten million dollar Chinese currency real estate property, and so many classmates of SJTU to own a property as well. Compared to them, I am still in kindergarden, but God allows this happen for reasons.

How deep is your love? 

I am watching the video while I write this blog. I like to make a mess on my blog once a while. I have hard time to review my personal finance statements, and write so many case studies.

It is tough for me to learn how to stay smart on personal finance, how to grow rich, build wealth, and also keep healthy as well.

One of reasons I like to share is to push myself to be a self-learner on personal finance. I need to find good investment opportunities, starting from $1,000 dollars, and learn how to date my money, and grow rich and build wealth.

Actionable Items

It is so exciting for me to conduct personal finance research. Since the more time I spend on reviewing those financial data, I can find all those leaks in my expense, and also a lot of bad habits like impulse shopping, ignorance of economy, and poor decision making.

One more thing is that I have to push myself to purchase something I can sell 10 year or more later with more value. Otherwise I will live on from a pay check to another pay check. Even though I save some income, once I lose the job, lose work permit, I will deplete all savings, and get into debt quickly.

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