Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Best Recruiter at Google | Talent Connect San Francisco 2014

Here is the link.

This talk suggests: > Never compromise on quality (it will kill culture and drive away the best) > Use science, structured interviews (to kill bias) > Give them a (bigger) reason to join (meaning) my further notes: 1) set a high standard (don't compromise, stay the course) 2) remove hiring managers from the hiring decisions (eliminate critical bias) 3) Use Assessment (Interviews aren't reliable ) 4) Job criteria: Cognitive Ability (problem solver, curious) , Leadership, Culture Fit, Role-related knowledge (a little confusing because he said "interviews are unreliable") 5) Structured interviews (same for everyone) -- hypotheticals/situational & behavioral 6) How you can Convince them to join: comes down to MEANING in Life (then the sales pitch for Google started and they almost lost me) 7) Find out how to meet your target market and creatively (around 28:00) <Job v. Career v. Calling> --> 1/3 see it as a calling <4X results if you can find a way to inspire meaning in people's work>

3 million applicants, 700 acceptance, is 1 admit to 4285 applications. Laszlo Bock says 1 admit to 428 applicants which is wrong.

Delay gratification, resilience of facing failure, self-regulation

Those attributes will stay with you the whole life.

I like to hear again from 55:00 - 1:02

To get into Google, you do here very well fast. You work here two years, second job another two years. The progression you made better.

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