Friday, April 30, 2021

Vacation at home | Running outdoor for one hour | Vancouver, BC, Canada

 April 30, 2021


It is my vacation day in the city of Vancouver. I just had a busy interview day with Facebook, algorithm interview on April 29, 2021. I like to go out to run and walk around my neighborhood. It is fun to go out and enjoy rain, flowers on the trees, and beauty of nature. 

55 year old | Set priority right | outdoor running | itching, hay fever | Pleasant experience

I like to set priority and make daily exercise highest priority. I should take some time to relax and enjoy outdoor beauty in the city of Vancouver. 

I have to control my weight, right now it is 204 lb. I have to take some anti-histamine pill every day, but I should limit to take only less than two months. 

The pills are made of hormone, and my weight quickly went up from 186 lb to 204 lb. I have to start to run daily, and get used to stay outdoor. 

My selfies

I like to take selfies and also I need to push myself to enjoy outdoor activities alone. I used to run in iRun camp for one month. I got used to run after one month training. 

My video is here. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey keep going strong! It's a long journey but its great that you are enjoying the process.
