Tuesday, March 8, 2022

30 hard level algorithms: google - Leetcode premium


30 hard level algorithms: google - Leetcode premium

 Dec. 7, 2020


It is a tough project to work on. I am planning to go over the following 30 hard level algorithms provided by Leetcode premium. 

30 hard level algorithms

I like to go over those 30 hard level algorithms

  1. 727 Minimum windows subsequence - DP, sliding window
  2. 715 Range Module, Segment tree, ordered map
  3. 552 Student attendance record II, DP
  4. 465 Optimal account balancing 
  5. 1499 Max value of equation, Array, sliding window
  6. 753 Cracking the safe, math, DFS
  7. 1231 Divide Chocolate, Binary search, greedy
  8. 308 Range sum query 2D - Mutable, Binary indexed tree, segment tree
  9. 1293 Shortest path in a grid with obstacles elimination
  10. 1444 Number of ways of cutting a pizza, DP
  11. 527 Word abbreviation, string, Sort
  12. 1240 Tiling a rectangle with the fewest squares, DP, backtracking
  13. 315 Count of smaller numbers after self, Binary search, Divide and conquer, Sort, binary indexed tree, segment tree
  14. 460 LFU cache, design
  15. 1406 Stone game III
  16. 248 Strobogrammatic Number III
  17. 1610 Maximum number of visible points, Two pointers, Geometry
  18. 335 Self crossing, Math
  19. 420 Strong password checker
  20. 1345 Jump Game IV
  21. 679 24 Game
  22. 642 Design search autocomplete system
  23. 1377 Frog position after T seconds 
  24. 818 Race car
  25. 1255 Maximum score words formed by letters, bit manipulation
  26. 174 Dungeon game, binary search, DP
  27. 1125 Smallest sufficient team, DP, bit manipulation
  28. 68 Text justification, string
  29. 847 shortest path visiting all nodes, DP, BFS
  30. 732 My calendar III, segment tree, ordered map

Actionable Items

I only studied and learned the top nine hard level algorithms, still I have 21 algorithms to review. Now it is 11:34 PM. 

  1. 727 Minimum windows subsequence - DP, sliding window
  2. 715 Range Module, Segment tree, ordered map
  3. 552 Student attendance record II, DP
  4. 465 Optimal account balancing 
  5. 1499 Max value of equation, Array, sliding window
  6. 753 Cracking the safe, math, DFS
  7. 1231 Divide Chocolate, Binary search, greedy
  8. 308 Range sum query 2D - Mutable, Binary indexed tree, segment tree
  9. 1293 Shortest path in a grid with obstacles elimination
Life is tough. I should plan early and have more time for those 21 hard level algorithms. 

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