Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Fireside chat with Adrienne Lofton and Nuha Elkhiamy, in conversation with Cinthia Lopez

March 8, 2022

  1. When did you know that it is time to make changes? 
  2. You can take the call, and make new relationships, not career decision. Start to think about how I admire technologies. 23-24 years in to make a jump, the skills can be adapted, imposter syndrome. The first response is to feel comfortable. Start to look at the mirror, how much I am learning, how much I am teaching. 
  3. Consumer market perspective, Lorraine leads market organization - need sponsor, human ...
  4. the way she respects the team ...

PIE - Performance, I - Image, E - exposure 
vehicle of communication, blog, high profile presentation, every one knows how remarkable you are. Naturally humble, powerful and authenticate way - check into ...

Think about industry - tech, different industry 
  1. Comfortable, and get bored, so it is time to investigate what is true. What area you like to look into, how to get there?
  2. Wealth experience in your current field - role you are 
  3. Be where you are, there are transfer skills - how to talk inside the industry 
  4. Difference between mentorship and sponsorship 
  5. Friends - inside this industry - get true to get there 
  6. Meet right people - recognize things does not happen over a night
  7. The world is a marathon, not a sprint - what you are in right now. 
What is best career advice you have?
Do not be afraid to be a beginner. 
Start a new role. First few months you will learn. Do not shy away from learning. 

Know yourself 
build my teams, high performance team, skillsets - build people around me

Add value - do not lose your authentication
Chart out your goals - five year increment - 
Be curious, ask questions, day one today 
urgency - let it play out - 
five things to offer 

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