Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Leetcode: Jianmin Chen | Last 12 months submission | Comparison to Dr. Lai

 Jianmin Chen

Dr. Lai

Day 500 streak on daily challenge

around 3yrs - I did it every day for the past THREE years.

Take 30-60 minutes per day to do coding, stick to it and you will definitely see you improve yourself when you reach 100 days, 200 days and so on..

I started leetcoding in 2018 when I was looking for new opportunities, and soon i love the feeling of solving questions especially when you get the green "AC".

I become addicted to leetcoding, and my programming skills improve over time. It becomes a habit and just like we need to brush the teeth every day - if i don't do it, i feel uncomformable.

I soon got a job at General Electric, 13 months later I joined AWS and then 18 months later, here I am at Microsoft Research Cambridge (MSRC) - I had 10 interviews at MSRC.

One tip: you can solve problems by the categories, companies - the most frequent questions by companies help a lot. For the first few rounds of interview, the Leetcode mocking is very helpful to get familiar with solving problems under time pressure.

Also, by teaching, you learn quicker and understand better. Writing code on whiteboard helps but become less important as after COVID, all interviews are conducted online, so a decent keyboard is more necessary than practicing coding on whiteboard.

Feel free to AMA. Thank you.

Follow up 

March 25, 2022

I just could not believe that I have chance to prepare for another Meta onsite in April 2022. I think that it is more challenge this year since I only practice Leetcode algorithms less than 3 months, with less than 200 submissions, less than 40 additional algorithms solved. 

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