Thursday, December 27, 2018

Earl Nightingale The formula to becoming rich (the most powerful motivational speech ever)

Here is the link.

3:02 / 18:59

Earn big income - the difference is to decide make more, and make business make more.

Without decision to make a pie, she will not check the recipe.

Look for rules to make more money.

Lucky, smarter, alibi

Try, keep trying. Dream up. All self-made.

7:44 - 9:00 / 18:59

Our rewards in life is exactly matching to our contribution of our service.


Using gold mind ?

Get up one hour early - sit down, clean sheet paper, write down financial goal. Keep to yourself. What do you mean to you and your family?

Contribution and your income goal.

15:00 - 18:00 / 18:59


Human being can alter their life.

Behave yourself - always be suspicious.

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