Monday, August 22, 2016

Leetcode 125: Valid Palindrome (III)

August 22, 2016

Continue to review solutions on Leetcode 125. 

1. study code:

extract one more function - removeNoise - practice #10 

C# practice 

Great idea to extract one more function, SRP - single responsibility principle 
- make the code much more easy to follow, test, static analysis

Two tasks - put into one function - first ask if the function can be broken into two, what is the checkpoints?

Both are with time complexity O(N), N is the string length; 
Two tasks can be separated easily, task 1 can be done first. 

 1. remove noise
 2. compare chars 

Easily, combine the above 1 and 2 cases, there are 4 cases in the function to handle. 

2. use continue keyword -  practice #11

study code: 

C# practice: 

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