Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Can Leetcode weekly contest make difference?

June 20, 2017


It is a ritual to do small research every day. Today Julia chooses a topic called "Can Leetcode weekly contest make difference?"

The reason Julia chose the topic is that she found out her last leetcode weekly contest reminded her to work on the basics - linear scan array more efficiently. The blog is called Leetcode 605: Can place flowers.  Julia found a very short solution through Leetcode discussion after she spent 48 minutes in the contest, she learned to solve the problem using 5 minutes. Only 10% of time, she learned the basics of linear scan an array, looping first.

On June 19, Julia noticed that she performed better on mocking experience of algorithm Leetcode 151 compared to her last one more than one month ago.

The argument is that "Leetcode weekly contest makes difference".

Performance talk 

Leetcode.com is so helpful because it attracts million players to share ideas, compared to code review on stackexchange.com, Julia found out that Leetcode.com is a good place to find excellent ideas to solve a Leetcode algorithm, but codereviwe.stackexchange.com is an excellent place for Julia to practice good writing and learn how to share her learning. 

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