Sunday, January 10, 2021

Equity research: Wechat group conversation

Jan. 10, 2021


I spent an hour to work on wechat group and try to have some conversations. I like to learn more about investing. 

Wechat group - my content  

陈建敏,vancouver, BC 10:54

大家有空看这个软件股票, SWI 的小伙伴。去年涨了250%。

陈建敏,vancouver, BC 10:55

APPN stock: Why Appian Stock Skyrocketed 324% in 2020

陈建敏,vancouver, BC 10:56

So what 

Appian's platform allows customers to easily and quickly build apps without having to know much about writing code. And as the pandemic forced companies to focus their attention on attracting and communicating with customers online, many companies turned to Appian to build their apps last year. 

The demand for an easy app-building service pushed up Appian's cloud subscription revenue, which increased 40% in the third quarter. In turn, the company's total revenue increased 17% in the quarter to $70.9 million, and adjusted earnings per share reached breakeven, outpacing Wall Street's consensus estimate for a loss of $0.17 per share. 

陈建敏,vancouver, BC 10:57


陈建敏,vancouver, BC 10:58

Here is the link. 

陈建敏,vancouver, BC 11:00

从左侧开始买, 如果总是365天最低, 就可以不要卖了。长期持有就可以拿100%。 2万美元买四个股票就够了。一个5000美元。

陈建敏,vancouver, BC 11:02


陈建敏,vancouver, BC 11:03

Long-term value investing principles

So, what are the principles of long-term investing

Buying below intrinsic value

Owning a business, not focusing on the stock

Selling when the stock is above intrinsic value

Buy companies that offer long-term quality - be it in the form of an asset, brand, location, scale or whatever.

Have patience and let those dividends and investment compound

Keep some cash on hand to take advantage of the opportunities the irrational - short term-oriented market offers

Be patient

陈建敏,vancouver, BC 11:05

Sven carlin: Long Term Investing in Stocks Explained


陈建敏,vancouver, BC 11:07

看股民评论Intel 股票。我在思考500股什么时候跌什么时候买。做短线。

陈建敏,vancouver, BC 11:08

Learn from Yahoo -> finance -> conversation

$AMZN P/E=93
$GOOG P/E=30
$BABA P/E=23

I’m crunching the numbers but according to my calculations Intel generated a larger profit in 2020 than Tesla generated in its entire history...

Wall Street is a popularity contest.
Who’s gonna be the cool kid for 2021?

陈建敏,vancouver, BC 11:09

Amazon didn't start with a PE of 93 remember?
In December 2012 AMZN P/E was over 3600
Stock price then was $180
Stock price 8 years later is over $3100

Irrational, and definitely won’t last.

TSLA market cap = about $1.6M per car delivered last time I checked. Ford: $16K per car.

Don't know of about Amanda much but goog is one of the most undervalued tech stocks on the market

陈建敏,vancouver, BC 11:10

The rationale some of the investors were giving was P/E ratio is not what matters, what matters is how many people are still willing to buy TSLA at PE ratio of 1500.

Seriously? Looked more like a greater fool theory to me. Traditional metrics of valuation are scoffed at, surest sign it is a bubble.

The bubble may not burst anytime soon though. TSLA may even hit 1 trillion valuation soon.
But this WILL unravel one day and it will be nasty for many gullible individual investors, the Wall St crooks know all exits to use as soon as the party ends, before others.

It really is over priced. Every car company is working on electric cars and new companies are starting up. The market really is not that large. It is just a replacement market for the current cars on the road. Over time they will switch to Hydrogen or Battery. The bottom will fall out of TSLA soon.

陈建敏,vancouver, BC 11:12

华尔街crooks 大家要小心。最大傻瓜原理 - 皇帝新衣

陈建敏,vancouver, BC 14:44

请问是不是觉得会涨, call Intc

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