April 1, 2021
Here is the link.
The teaching is so good to remind me good days when I was a student in Florida Atlantic University and Shanghai Jiaotong university.
Thank Facebook to give me another virtual onsite in 2021.
Interaction styles
Synchronous/ Asynchronous
I always find myself get distract in 20 minutes video. I just like to remind myself to learn one screen, and take notes from the lecture.
10:20/ 20:20
Benefits and drawbacks of messaging
- Decouples client from services
- Message broker buffers messages
- Supports a variety of communication patterns
- Additional complexity of message broker
- Request/ reply-style communication is more complex
- Client needs to discover location of message broker
- Simple and familiar
- Request/ reply is easy
- No intermediate broker
- Only supports request/ reply
- Service must be available
- Client needs to discover locations of service
- HTTP-based - super familiar protocol of the web
- Firewall and human friendly
- You pick the message format
- See https://martinfowler.com/articles/richardsonMaturityModel.html
- RPC framework
- Define services using IDL and generate stubs and skeletons
- Message formats: Binary, and JSON
- Transport protocols: TCP, HTTP
- Network timeouts
- Invoke remote services via a bounded thread pool -> impose upbound of ... -> fail fast -> tie up any thread
- Use the Circuit break pattern
- On failure:
- return default/ cached data
- return error to caller
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