Thursday, April 14, 2022

Three things I learn from my equity research

April 14, 2022


I always like to find out things to work on so that I can be a more successful and happy person. I chose to work on stock investment, and after March 2022, I chose to work on active investment instead of passive investment on ETF, and I went through so many hours learning and tough things to work on. 

Three things I learn from my equity research 

I finally can make it happen to have some gains on my 10 years saving from 2010 to 2022. It is so tough for me to educate myself, learn how equity market works. I really like to write down three things I learn from past two years. What are those three things I should share in less than 10 minutes. 

  1. I like to learn from my investment on small business by purchasing GTE.TO stock;
  2. I like to learn from my big loss on GRAY stock
  3. I like to learn how I chose to work on software industry, and then I chose to invest on SABR stock. 
From the above three stocks, GTE, GRAY, SABR, I think that I have learned enough as a beginner, and I need to pay more attention to my worry about loss, and learn how to invest big and stable companies first, and invest those companies with good balance sheets first; so that I can have some gains first, and I can hold on my myself to take more risks, start to invest high risk penny stocks, or small capital business. 

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