Sunday, March 12, 2017

Hackerrank - woman codesprint #3, elevator simulation

March 12, 2017

Problem statement

Contest performance 

Call it a day, 4:25am. Finally, after 4 hours writing code and dubugging, scored 18.00. Pass 7 test cases, fail 10 test cases. 8 runtime error, 2 wrong answers, Julia could not figure out and then she needs to go to sleep.

I never experienced this kind of coding, Elevator simulation, very good workout.

Julia, you should train yourself coding not in the contest. Julia enjoyed the adventure of coding this medium algorithm called elevator simulation. Julia could not believe that people can write the algorithm in less than one hour.

Here is the progress report, for the contest.

Follow up after the contest 

Here is the C# code submission in the contest.

Code Review of the function SimulationElevator

A few places have duplicate code, need to extra a new function for class WaitLine, Passenger, Trip, and then make the function SimulationElevator from 160 lines of code to less than 50 lines of code.

First revision 

April 3 2017
Julia spent over one hour to code review the submission on April 3 2017. The C# code is here. Plan to spend some time to review the design, try to pass all test cases. And then ask a code review on

Follow up 

March 14, 2018

I got an email about object-oriented design code review request from the peer in the morning 2:30 AM. so I gave some feedback. My main idea is to get into a community like hackerrank, and also being a hacker, and have some warrior spirit.

Here is my review.

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