Saturday, December 22, 2018

10 Best Ideas | THINK AND GROW RICH | Napoleon Hill | Book Summary

Here is the video to summarize the book. I like better this one. I need to get ideas quickly.

(2:15) 1. MINDSET The real thing that will make you rich is your mindset. Focus on modeling how successful people think. Thoughts ARE things. (3:00) 2. DESIRE Want it bad enough - it becomes an obsession. "Burn the ships" mentality vide. (6:00) 3. FAITH Fake it till you make it advice: “Dress for job you want, not job you have” with his discontentment of being able to sit in a room alone” -Seneca Do the work. Active form of boredom by journaling: (21:00) 10. JOURNAL WORKSHOP MONEY FROM CH. 2 1. Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. 2. Determine exactly what you intend to give for this money. 3. Establish a definite date by which you intend to acquire this money. 4. Create a definite plan to acquire the money, and take the first step immediately. 5. Put the four items above into a clear, concise sentence describing each part. 6. Read the statement aloud twice daily, in the morning and at night.

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