Saturday, December 15, 2018

Road trip 14 days in 2010 - Boca Raton to Vancouver

Dec. 15, 2018


It is time for me to write a blog to show all my hotel receipt on 14 days road trip in 2010. I did not have wisdom to plan the trip, my friend organized the whole trip. I just learned that the travel can be so efficient in 14 days, I should learn to save money and also visit so many national parks in the United States.

My 14 days road trip

I will write down more.

Actionable Items

I should learn from the road trip. My friend planned the whole trip and also drove 80% of time. I learn the value of dollar. We visited over 10 national parks, the cost of gas is less than $1,000 dollars, and the cost of hotel are less than $1000 dollars.

Follow up 

Dec. 1, 2021
Here is the instagram link I posted some photos for the trip. 
Here is another link. 
Here is the third link. 
Here is the fourth link. 

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